This is the new raunchy sketch comedy show from Damon Wayons. And since it is on SHOWTIME, Mr. Wayons and crew can get away with just about anything. But just because you can show some tits and ass doesnt mean you are funny. In fact, some of the skits are so laugh-free that I almost tuned out on more than one occassion. But then, every 15 minutes or so comes along a sketch so brilliant that you find yourself glued to the set. Case in point from Episode 1: THE REAL VAGINA MONOLOGUES. Case in point from Episode 2: the skit where the male cast members have holes cut into their pants and their balls are physically and visibly hanging out in all their glory. So overall, the show is just average on the humor-scale. But since this is the first truly daring XXX-rated sketch comedy series, I am hooked.
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