Saturday, September 23, 2006


Anyone who follows my blogging already knows that I am an entertainment junkie, so it shouldn't come as any surprise that STUDIO 60 was one of my Must-See pilots this year. And after seeing the first episode I am not disspointed. This series does an excellent job of going behind the scenes of a live late-night comedy series on the National Broadcasting System - combining biting drama and scathing satire never seen since, well, THE WEST WING. The creator of that series, Aaron Sorkin, once again is in top form with STUDIO 60. There are a lot of characters and plot points addressed in the first 60 minutes, and I am sure viewers could overwhelmed by it all. But in the end, I was left wanting to see more - and that's the key element any successful pilot strives to achieve. Oh, and Matthew Perry is BRILLIANT! It's going to take several episodes for these characters to grow on me, but I truly believe that STUDIO 60 is worth the wait. A-


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