FALL TV Cram Sessions...
Ah, the beauty of TV ON DVD!!!! Now you can miss an entire season's worth of a tv show and chow it down in one big gulp of a weekend. Last August I bought the LOST SEASON 1 DVD and the DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES SEASON 1 DVD and watched both shows in record-breaking time so that I would be 'in the know' for season 2 of each show. See, how little did I know that during each show's freshman run on ABC would be phenomenal. And it just didnt make sense to tune in half-way through the season. Soooo, I had to painstakingly wait from December 2004 to August 2005 before I could devote my time to each program.....and this August is no different. I actually have 3 shows I am catching up on real fast. The first is VERONICE MARS season 2, which I am half-way through...the other is SUPERNATURAL, which I couldnt access during it's freshman run because my area wasn't picking up the WB at the time. In November I will be buying the first season of HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER so that I can then enjoy season 2 of the CBS sitcom (which premieres September 18th- which means the first handful of shows will be sitting on my TiVo for a couple months until the HOW I MET first season comes out on DVD. OY!)...so what shows are some of you cramming up on in preparation for FALL TV 2006?
I still have 6 episodes of Season 2 of Miss Mars to watch yet...JUST in time for VERONICA: THE COLLEGE YEARS on October 3rd.
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