Saturday, December 24, 2005


I will be spending the holidays in a lowkey fashion, as I have spent most of this year. I have kept myself out of trouble by doing it this way, and in the process have gotten a LOT of work done. I may go KRAZY again in 2006, but for now it's workaholic time! Ian and I will be fucking by the Christmas tree for some Cre8tive Juices footage to appear in EPISODE 4 of the STORM CHRONICLES....and we will be shooting models all throughout January and February so that we can get some more product out to the masses...... Last night I watched the 90-minute 1998 movie RUDOLPH THE REDNOSED REINDEER (it sucked, but it was only $5.50 from the Wal-Mart discount movie bin)....I am behind on PROJECT RUNWAY (sorrry jshi), but I have the last 2 episodes waiting for me on TiVo....THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA sucked (C-), and KING KONG was really good, but not great (B+). That just leaves RENT and BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN as movies that I can't wait to see for the year. MAYBE I will go see THE PRODUCERS, but then again, MAYBE NOT!.... It's off to the store to get the ingredients to make Xmas cookies in a few hours. I will also make my annual bowl of Puppy Chow. It's ham AND turkey tomorrow, and lots of presents to open, including BO BICE CD that I bought for myself. I will also be unwrapping a Food Dehydrator, which will probably join my Salad Shooter and Lemonader in a dark cabinet never to see light again until next Christmas when I add another Ron-Co item to the bunch....In Porn News, DIRECT DEPOSIT and HOLE MILK are both in the Top 5 on the Queeropolis Best Seller List. YEE-HAW!...Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend, whether you are a Merry Christmaser or Happy Holidayer or not. ;-)


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