Thursday, June 29, 2006


Summertime is the BEST season to grab an exciting book, hit the beach, and immerse yourself in a good read. Right now I am in the process of reading all of Michael Crichton's books. His JURASSIC PARK is one of my all-time faves, and I have since read THE LOST WORLD, THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN, STATE OF FEAR, PREY, THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY and now SPHERE......The last book I read was AFTERSHOCK by Chuck Scarborough. It mixed soapy elements with the fictional (?) reality of a major catastrophic earthquake epicentering in Manhattan. I enjoyed it, though it got to be monotonous at times....Three other authors I recommend are Clive Barker, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. If you like techno-thrillers and theme parks, you MUST read Lincoln Child's UTOPIA.


Blogger Sean Storm said...

I see a lot of similarities in STRAIN and SPHERE. I saw the movie SPHERE years ago, so its interesting while I am reading the book because I am hearing the voices of Dustin Hoffman, Samuel L Jackson and Sharon Stone as I read their characters' speeches.

Hmmmn...there must be something genetically wrong with me, but I just cant seem to ever get interested in a Stephen King book. They kind of bore me.

I'll be waiting for your AFTERSHOCK viewpoints. Just have a friend nearby to talk to when four of the five kittens perish (okay, breathe: there arent any kittens in the book..i would never spoil something like that)

7:44 PM  
Blogger Sean Storm said...

I've heard of HAWAII...what is the story about? I will check into it.

Right now I am reading Walt Becker's LINK. I picked it up for $3.50 at a used bookstore and I have been pleasantly surprised by it's INDIANA JONES meets CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND hook. It's a little GEORGE LUCAS-STAR WARS- laughable in the romance department, but its a solidly told adventure beyond that minor shortcoming.

6:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I loved the Andromeda Strain...the Sphere was kinda weak I thought...

I've got a huge stack of books to read...bios mostly...Goldie Hawn, Jane Fonda, Linda Ellerbe, and the book for Wicked.

Have you seen the Broadway play Wicked yet?


1:53 PM  

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