Friday, May 19, 2006

The WILL & GRACE Finale

After 8 years, NBC has benched WILL & GRACE. I am curious as to how some of you felt about it. For me, I enjoyed the finale IMMENSELY. Having the characters end the series at a peaceful place in their lives was a refreshing change from all the bickering the foursome had engaged in during the show's run. It was great to see Jack play the piano and sing in a very poignant duet with Karen. What was nice was to see, at 20 years later, Jack was incredibly talented, and Karen was calm and not all drugged out. Then to have Will and Grace both in happy 20+ year relationships was comforting, especially since neither character could seem to hold onto a partner for longer than a season during the show's run. Also, the character of Beverly Leslie had a hilarious exit off his New York apartment balcony. For me, the wrap up was enjoyable and satisfying. And yes, I know the series probably should have closed shop 3 years ago, but a part of me WILL miss these guys. With QUEER AS FOLK gone on the gay drama front, and now WILL & GRACE gone on the gay comedy front, it truly does feel like significant chapters of my gay pop culture experience is finished.


Blogger DeWayne in SD said...

I'll miss Queer as Folk most,,at least it's avail(On DVD)next week!

1:26 PM  

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